Friday, February 15, 2013


Well, let's see what has been going on since I last posted...I guess the main thing is that we were both let-go from our jobs. I'm 'transitioning' my work for another month, but P has been out of it completely since mid January. We've been dealing with a bunch of health issues too, so that's been taking up a lot of our time.

On the positive side though, we've gone to the AMNH twice: once for a tour during regular hours and once for an after-hours members only showing of some of the more popular sections of the museum. I've also started another COURSERA class: Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life. hehe I'm taking a class on ET, fab! It's through the University of Edinburgh and actually is more about Interplanetary Life Systems than anything else. Right now we're working on why life developed on Earth in the first place. We'll move outward to other worlds after finishing this section.

We may end up going home instead of staying here, so I'm trying to decide on next steps for us. I really don't want to work in my current field anymore and am considering going back to school for my Masters. I'd like to do Anthropology with a concentration with Historic Agricultural Preservation (i.e. preserving heritage animal and plant breeds as well as farming practices). Since that particular degree isn't offered anywhere, I'm trying to find a combination of classes/internships/volunteer positions that I can use to simulate the degree.

I haven't even left yet and I've already submitted the volunteer form and taken the online training for the local county organization back home. :) There are two really awesome locations I'd love to work at, one's a nature preserve and one is a historical preservation site. Both are amazing to visit and if I could end up working there as a volunteer or intern for a few months before finding work or going back to school, I'd be a lot happier.

Other than that, I'm just tired. There's so much to do at work and home and honestly, I'm going to need at least a month off just to get the house organized and packed. At least when we go home I'll be able to sleep without hearing ambulances and car horns, and see the stars. That would be lovely!

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