Friday, November 16, 2012

Prayer flags of a different kind

My cousins stopped by my parents' house a few days ago and dropped off several boxes of baby clothes for me. I don't have kids yet, but their thoughtfulness reminded me that I am inextricably connected to my family, even if we don't talk very much or see each other very often. These are people I never really talked to (mainly due to personality and age difference) growing up, but was always around at holidays and family get-togethers. These are people who I couldn't stand until we were all older, wiser, and had started our own families.

I find it weirdly fascinating that if it wasn't for Facebook, I probably wouldn't have as good of a relationship with them as I have. I loved them because they were blood, but I didn't know them, or get along with them due to life experiences. Now I do both. Sure, we still don't talk or hang out very often, maybe once or twice a year during family visits, but I can see what's happening in their lives via social media and things like these--they show a mindfulness that probably wouldn't have been there a dozen years ago. It's probably the only thing I am grateful to the internet for; making family as close as a click-stroke away.

As for the clothes...well, I guess it's a good thing my family tends toward having girls over boys. I just hope she likes pink! :)

*Title totally stolen from my mom. ;)

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